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LaShonda Brown

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Tech Educator, YouTube Coach & Speaker

LaShonda Brown is an award-winning Tech Educator, YouTube Coach and Speaker based in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of VA. Through her YouTube channel, Bootstrap Biz Advice, her membership, and her virtual workshops, LaShonda teaches service providers how to leverage tech and YouTube to increase traffic to their offers, generate passive income and partner with brands.

LaShonda believes there is no shame in bootstrapping and her content will help you keep your expenses low and your profit margin high while you DIY.

LaShonda heavily advocates for sustainable, healthy rhythms in business and is most well known for her 20-Hour Work Week practice that’s built on the foundation of deep focus work and a mindful morning routine.

In 2022, LaShonda became one of the first 25 Canva Verified Experts in the world. In addition to training organizations of all sizes about Canva, LaShonda serves as an instructor for the email service provider, Flodesk inside of Flodesk University.