Jan. 17, 2024

How To Grow and Monetize Your Instagram with Juan Galan

How To Grow and Monetize Your Instagram with Juan Galan

Welcome to Season 2 of Creator Factor!

We're back and in this weeks episode, Ozeal digs into the world of Instagram with Juan Galán, a content creator, lifestyle entrepreneur and  the founder of IG Creator Academy.

In this episode, you'll learn:

-  How Juan's engagement and growth tactics have adapted to the changing 
- Creating Engaging Instagram Content:
- A step-by-step breakdown of Juan's process for crafting compelling posts and stories, from idea to execution.
- Understanding Instagram Metrics
- Monetization Methods
and more... 

Connect with Juan Galan 

📸 Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/ig.creatoracademy/
🎥 Youtube: @igcreatoracademy
💻 Website: https://www.igcreatoracademy.com/blog
😎 TikTok: tiktok.com/@ig.creatoracademy

Want to start an audio or video podcast?

📞 Book a 20-minute discovery call here: https://calendly.com/thinkozeal/free-session

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** Start a simple podcast website with Pod Page (https://www.podpage.com)
Use code: PODHOUSTON  for a 15% discount off any plan. 

Connect with Ozeal 

📸 Instagram: @therealozeal 
🐦 Twitter: @therealozeal 
💻 website: www.creatorfactor.net
🎥 Youtube:   @Ozeal 

Want to get in touch with us? Email us: thecreatorfactor@gmail.com

A big thank you to Juan Galán for sharing his invaluable insights on Instagram. Make sure to check out IG Creator Academy for resources and guidance on Instagram content creation and monetization.

Stay tuned for more episodes of Creator Factor where we continue having conversations and learning how we can help you build you creator brand and business online!

Want to get in touch with us? Email us: thecreatorfactor@gmail.com


📸 Instagram: @ozealcreates

🐦 Twitter: @ozealcreates

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